Sunday, October 24, 2010

Megan start to brush her teeth!

When home visit came to my house, that time Megan was 9 months old, and she start to growth 2 upper part teeth (below 2 teeth she have it when she was 6 months). But the home visit only notice the below one, the upper one, she didn't see it. So, she give me a tooth brush,a and a toothpaste and advice me to brush her teeth.

I was can I do it?? cause for sure she will swallow the toothpaste. So, I ask her how can Megan rinse her mouth? Then she told me, water supply around my area is without Fluoride, so she say is good to give her fluoride to strong her teeth, and is no problem for her to swallow it.

Right after she left, I search in malaysia forum about this. Most of the parents in malaysia, will give toothpaste without fluoride. And how come over here in UK, they encourage?? I was so wondering!! hahahha!!

But never mind, I haven't feed her any worry!! hahahah!! cause I bought a finger toothbrush, and behind it written there use without toothpaste!! hahahha!!


  1. 是哦,fluoride不是会致癌的吗?为什么那边还鼓励人家用的?

  2. 今天到超市去看看..发现到全部给宝宝的牙膏都有fluoride...有些还写有多少份量!! 不懂为什么这样..哈哈!

  3. 我还没有让你女婿用牙膏,他这几天连嘴巴都不肯开给我刷,一把牙刷套伸进去他就会狠狠的咬咬咬!

  4. 是哦!我也怕怕megan开始咬我...她也还没有享受刷牙..我就骗她,我也帮鸭子刷牙,她才肯乖乖就范..要不然,哭到好像我打她酱...

  5. 这里的darlie牙膏也是有fluoride的哦,酱是酱啦?

  6. 刚刚上网查了一下,大概是说fluoride的功能是强化牙齿,但过多的量是能导致中毒的。意思是说大人用是完全没问题,因为我们不可能把牙膏吞下但是小孩就有问题咯,除非他们会把牙膏吐出来咯!安全起见,还是找without fluoride的比较安心。

  7. 还有因为自来水里是含有fluoride的,但是因为你们那个地区的水没有所以他们才会鼓励用含有fluoride的牙膏来保护牙齿咯!


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